Don’t you just love fresh baked bread?

When I learned how to bake bread and buns, a whole new world opened up for me.   It’s one of the most comforting processes, smells and tastes.  I love spending time making, kneading and shaping dough.  The reward is so totally worth the time spent.

This recipe, however, is a quicker bread recipe.  You don’t have to spend all day in the kitchen to have freshly baked buns for dinner.  This recipe is a lighter type of brioche bun, in that I use only a few tablespoons of butter and not much sweetener.  The result is a light and fluffy bun.  Sometimes I let it rise twice, if I have the time, but most of the time I just mix it up and then shape it, let it rise for 40 minutes or so and then bake for 15-20 minutes.

2/3 cups milk warm
1 1/2 tbsp instant yeast
2 tbsp honey or sugar
4 tbsp butter , melted
2 large eggs , at room temperature
450-500 grams all-purpose flour (120g/cup)*
1 tsp sea salt
1 large egg (for egg wash)


In the bowl of a stand mixer, whisk together warm milk, melted butter, sugar or honey and yeast.  Add eggs and whisk well.

Add flour and salt.  Use dough hook, and mix on medium-low for 8 to 10 minutes or so.  Dough should come away from the side mostly, ba bit sticky, soft and smooth.

Optional: Let rise until doubled in size, covered with a damp, warm towel, then punch down and move on to next step.

Divide into 8 equal pieces (or 10 for sliders size).  Shape each dough ball, by cupping your hand on top of it on the counter, and circling your hand over top of it, rolling the dough ball around gently until the top is smooth.  Pinch together the bottom if needed and set on lined baking tray.

Let rise in a warm spot until almost doubled, about 30-45 minutes or so (depending on warmth in your kitchen).

Preheat oven to 400 F

Whisk an egg with a teaspoon of water and brush over top of the buns.  Bake for 15 - 20 minutes, until golden brown and completely cooked.

Recipe Notes
*When measuring the flour, I go by 120 grams per cup. If you want to try to use cups, then I'd say start with about 3 1/2 or 4 cups of flour, measured lightly by scooping your flour into the measuring cup, and not digging your cup into the flour.

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