One Touch Latte Mornings

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #LatteMadeEasy #CollectiveBias

My new favorite coffee in the mornings are my Mocha International Delight One Touch Lattes! A cup of coffee and a press of One Touch Latte make my busy mornings go so much easier!

Ever since Silas graced us with his presence almost 8 years ago, my morning routine as a mom has been crazy busy. Back then, it consisted of getting both of us fed and dressed and out the door in time for him to get to my Grandparent's house and, hopefully, in time for me to arrive before my 2nd graders opened the door to my classroom. These days, I have three breakfasts to make, two lunches to pack, outfits to find, teeth that needs reminding to be brushed, backpacks double checked, and out the door in time to get the oldest two to school.

If it was one thing that I was unprepared for with Motherhood it was how, from the moment I open my eyes in the morning, I need to be wide awake and ready to get moving! 

Needless to say that by the time I get home from dropping the boys off from school, my coffee has long since grown cold. I will admit, some days I have so much work to get started on that I just roll with the room temperature coffee. I know you do it too, don't lie! :)

I've since discovered my new best friend every morning - International Delight One Touch Latte. This thing seems to carve out a small coffeehouse right here in my own kitchen! It really is super simple to use, too:

1. Fill cup with 2/3 coffee - you want some room for that delicious froth, trust me!

2. Shake the One Touch Latte can; then press and hold the can above coffee, firmly, for 5 - 7 seconds. *See video tutorial below.

3. Enjoy your delicious latte!

I snagged my favorite Mocha during my last trip through the dairy aisle at Walmart, but I also can't wait to try the French Vanilla. I actually have some ground peppermint flavored coffee in my pantry just begging to be transformed into a One Touch Latte Peppermint Mocha- doesn't that sound just amazing?! These One Touch Lattes sweeten, creams, flavors, and froths your coffee all at the same time. Plus, you are able to get 7 uses out of each can - such a great value for a delicious at-home latte. 

What flavor are you going to try first? Leave you response in the comment section below!