Strawberry Peach White Wine Slushie

Summer is on the way… right?

Here on Vancouver Island we are experiencing a much cooler then usual spring, so it really feels like summer is a long way off.  But there is just over a month and a half left in school, so I know that things have to be heating up really soon.

I love summer.

I can’t wait for long days at home with my boys; swimming, kayaking, hiking, and probably pitching to them endlessly as they practice their baseball skills (despite the fact that I’m just about the worst pitcher in the world, only topping most children under age 3).

And with those long, hot summer days comes summer entertaining.  Barbecues.  Evening fires under the stars.  Lovely refreshing summer drinks.

Like this amazing and crazy-easy to make Strawberry Peach White Wine Slushie.  Not only is it easy, it’s relatively health-conscious too, as far as bevy’s go; made from only white wine, frozen fruit (no sugar added), and ice!

That way you’re not spending any extra time in the kitchen and can maximize your outdoor enjoyment.  I can’t wait for the weather to warm up enough to serve this!

This week I’m participating in the Outdoor Extravaganza again with some amazing fellow bloggers and hosted by my friend Shauna from Satori Design for Living.


  • 1 bottle of white wine
  • 2+ cups of frozen peach and/or mango slices
  • 1+ cups of frozen strawberries
  • 3 cups of ice cubes


  1. Blend 2 cups (or ⅔ bottle) of white wine with about 2 cups of frozen peaches (add mango if you fancy it) as well as 2 cups of ice cubes.
  2. Pour into four glasses.
  3. Blend 1 cup of white wine (or the last ⅓ of the bottle) with about 1 to 1.5 cups of strawberries and 1 cup of ice.
  4. Pour it on top of the peach slushy.
  5. Add a straw and serve icy!

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