Oh to be young again and have the full Summer off!  Now, I say to be young again since we all know once you’re grown, you never have a month off of work or responsibility.

My kids are loving the later bedtimes, fun activities like baseball and tennis.  They are literally eating like little piggies and enjoying just about every minute of it.

And I’m feeling even more tired and busy now that Summer started.  Yes, it’s nice to not get up at 6am and drive the kids to and from school.  Or pack a lunch. Or even homework.  But I’m finding myself with more dishes, more activities and less time to do it all.  Even getting here to bring you a new recipe like some amazing vegan raspberry coconut butter cups has been almost a week in process.

The kids stay up longer which means by the time I cleanup and catch a break, it’s time for bed.  And I want to go to bed. I’m exhausted.  Oh, how I love to climb in and drift to sleep.


I really miss having some time to myself.  Know what I mean?  And I’m really not complaining, it’s just having to adjust to the new schedule and figure out time to keep up with friends, family and everything else.

That’s why I’m keeping this short.


  • 1 bag allergy friendly dark chocolate chips
  • ½ cup coconut butter (in liquid state)
  • ½ cup raspberry jelly
  • paper muffin or silicone baking cups


  1. Melt half of chocolate in the microwave or over a double boiler. Stir in remaining chips until full smooth.
  2. Pour approximately 1 heaping tablespoon of chocolate in a baking cup. Use the spoon to thinly coat ¾ of the way up the sides. Repeat with remaining cups.
  3. Place cups in the freezer or refrigerator to help set the chocolate, about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Remove from refrigerator and fill slightly less than half way with coconut butter. Place back in freezer to firm up.(Leave enough room for jelly and top chocolate layer or else the chocolate cannot seal the top)
  5. Fill almost to the top with raspberry jelly, allowing room for the top layer of chocolate.
  6. Place in refreezes to set.
  7. Pour a thin layer of chocolate on top to seal. You may need to melt additional chocolate depending upon the size of cups used.
  8. Enjoy straight from the paper cups or gently remove from the paper or silicone cup.

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