The BEST Italian Meatballs

Guys, it’s Friday and I don’t have another cocktail for you.  BUT!  I did just reshoot my Classic Red Sangria (you know, like what you would get at a Spanish tapas restaurant with your girlfriends).  So go check it out.

Also!  You can’t be mad I don’t have another cocktail for you because I do have my amazing Italian grandmother’s amazingly amazing meatball recipe.  You guys.  This recipe.  It’s the bee’s knees. The cat’s meow. It’s the stuff (that’s not how I really talk, but I like to keep the blog PG).

Grandma started her amazing meatballs by soaking some Italian bread in cold water.  I’ve read other recipes where they soak the bread in milk, you know because water soaked bread sounds gross.  So I tried that with this recipe and it messed with the flavor.  I’m sure Grandma did water because they were hard core pinching pennies and milk has never been cheaper than water, but I really think it’s the way to go.


  • 1 lb ground chuck 85/15
  • 1/2 lb ground pork if you can only get a pound, save half in the freezer
  • 2 eggs whisked
  • 4 slices of Italian bread 5 ounces
  • 1 cup bread crumbs I used Italian seasoned
  • 4 TBSP grated parmesan
  • 1/2 tsp garlic salt
  • 1 tsp salt
  • pinch of black pepper
  • 2 TBSPs chopped fresh parsley

Preheat oven to 375
Soak the bread in cold water for about five minutes, ringing out the excess water and pulling the bread apart with your fingers.
Combine the meat, eggs, and parsley in a large bowl. Add the bread. Then add the dry bread crumbs, parmesan, garlic salt, and salt.
Using a cookie scoop scoop out the meatballs onto wax paper and then roll them into into consistent balls. Place them on a cookie cooling rack. Place that rack on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until you can cut into a meatball in the middle of the rack and not see pink.

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