Low Carb Magic Mug Bread (Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!)

The fall of 2017 was pretty rough on our family.

My daughter Ava (age 15) came home from school one day with severe abdominal pain. At first we thought she was coming down with a tummy bug. Yet as it lingered on day after day we knew we were dealing with something else entirely.

After weeks of seeing various doctors, putting her through uncountable medical tests, X-rays and CT scans, and exploring several forms of alternative medicine, she was labeled with “Irritable Bowel Syndrome” which seems to be a catch-all term for any digestive issue in which mainstream doctors can’t find a cause.

Low Carb Magic Mug Bread Recipe - Paleo, Ketogenic, Grain Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!

As we continue the search for the root of the problem, we have decided to try handling her pain through diet and supplements.

Ava is on a grain free, sugar free, dairy free diet and is also avoiding High FODMAP foods which includes a long list of fruits and vegetables. (These are foods IBS patients are supposed to stay away from because they can ferment in your body before fully digesting.)

Needless to say, her diet is pretty limited at the moment.

Heavenly Low Carb Magic Mug Bread Recipe - Paleo, Ketogenic, Grain Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!

Although Ava has good and bad days dealing with pain, she has managed to keep an upbeat attitude.

She has made it a goal to find (or create) recipes she can enjoy to help curb her cravings. The hardest food for her to replicate is bread. All the store-bought gluten free breads we’ve found still contain ingredients she can’t eat, such as rice flour, sugar, or dried milk.

Even our previous favorite low carb bread option Cloud Bread contains dairy!

Making Low Carb Magic Mug Bread Recipe - Paleo, Ketogenic, Grain Free, Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Dairy Free!

One morning Ava determined she was going to come up with a bread recipe she could eat, even if it took all day long.

We purchased an array of alternative grain free flours and she set off to work in the kitchen. She looked up all sorts of gluten free bread recipes, and tried testing them, making substitutions for the ingredients she can’t eat.


  • 1/2 teaspoon oil (any variety)
  • 2 large eggs (or liquid vegan egg substitute)
  • 1/2 cup fine ground almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt


  1. Drizzle the oil into a tall straight mug, about 3.5 inches wide and 5 inches tall. Brush the oil around the edges to grease the mug.
  2. Place the eggs, almond flour, baking powder, and salt in the mug. Whisk with a fork until very smooth. Tap the mug on the counter to remove air pockets.
  3. Microwave on high heat for 3 minutes. Shake the bread loaf out of the mug. Slice with a serrated knife and serve.
  4. Wrap well and store in the refrigerator.

NOTES: Make multiple batches by tripling or quadrupling the recipe and whisking the batter in a large bowl. Then pour the batter into various oiled mugs and microwave. Add 1 minute cook time for each additional mug.

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