I have been searching for YEARS for the perfect Sugar Cookie Frosting recipe that hardens. I didn’t want an icing I wanted a frosting. One that would harden so I could stack my cookies without them sticking to each other. This homemade frosting that hardens is delicious and easy!

I’ve finally found the ONE. The one frosting that I’ll use every single time I make sugar cookies. It’s ridiculously easy and all the ingredients are in my pantry so I don’t have to search out for “weird” ingredients that will never be used again.

I’m not that kind of girl. I live in small town Minnesota and ain’t no one got time for that!

2/3 c. butter, softened
1/2 c. milk
2 lbs powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 tsp almond extract


1. In mixing bowl cream together butter and milk with an electric mixer. Slowly mix in powdered sugar and extracts.
2. Frost sugar cookies immediately. Let frosting harden. Store cookies in air tight container.

by Julie Evink

If frosting in mixing bowl starts to harden before you are done frosting cookies add a little milk and stir to combine.

Thanks done share recipes to : https://www.julieseatsandtreats.com/homemade-sugar-cookie-frosting-that-hardens/