Crockpot Thanksgiving Dinner - RECIPE VIDEO

Boneless turkey breast slow cooks with sweet potatoes, carrots, celery and cornbread stuffing. The perfect, EASY way to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with your family!

Crockpot Thanksgiving Dinner

*Note from Kelly - I've now updated this post with a recipe video to REALLY show you how easy this Crockpot Thanksgiving Dinner recipe really is! Feel free to share!

WOW does it feel like November today, woohoo!

For the past two days I've been contemplating turning the air conditioner on in our house. Between the weird, humid, mid-70 degree weather, and a newborn constantly sleeping on me, it was HOT in this house! Reuben was loving it though, this baby needs to be snuggled and cuddly warm to fall deep asleep.

I'm honestly on the hunt for a few more fleece footed pajamas for him for when the weather starts getting really cold!

I know every phase lasts for a small time, but he's really turning out to be a great sleeper already. I'm knocking on wood at the moment, can you tell?! In all honesty, both Silas and Wesley were fantastic sleepers from very early on, so we really can't complain about that. Silas was sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old, and Wesley was sleeping 10 hours straight, only waking up once in the middle of the night to eat. Reuben already, at 5 weeks old, is sleeping 3-4 hours at a time! can someone explain to me why in the heck I'm still SO tired all the time?!
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