This Pineapple Zucchini Bread recipe is absolutely delicious and SO moist! With crushed pineapple, fresh zucchini, raisins, and spices - this dairy free bread is perfect!
I was SO SO SO excited to start a little vegetable garden this summer. We've been renting for a few years now, and every spring I get motivated to clear out an existing garden bed to make room for some vegetable plants. And this year... I finally did it!
I'm definitely not the best gardener around, so I kind of flubbed my way through. I wish I could say it worked out well, but not so much. I planted 2 cucumber plants, 2 zucchini plants, 3 cherry tomatoes, 2 Roma tomatoes, 1 beefsteak tomato, and 1 hot chili pepper. They all started growing great, but after researched I realized we must have squash borer bugs that attacked not only my zucchini plants, but both cucumbers. I also seem to have issues with blossom end rot on my one Roma tomato plant. Despite the issues, I've been regularly harvesting delicious cherry tomatoes, chili peppers are almost ripe, and unfortunately only 2 zucchini. My cucumbers have given me nothing so far! :/
I'm not discouraged, though. I've learned several things to do for next year's planting that should help and avoid the same issues from happening again. One of the aspects of gardening I'm most surprised about, however, was getting a cute partner to help me - Wesley! He seems to be as into gardening and learning about gardening as I am, and of course I welcome the help. He loves going out with me in the morning to see if any tomatoes are ripe.