20+ Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas

These 20+ Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas will make the big day so special! These tried and true breakfast recipes are perfect for Christmas morning after unwrapping all those presents!

20+ Christmas Morning Breakfast Ideas

Yesterday in the car, Silas was trying to describe his excitement that Christmas morning is so soon. "On Christmas morning, I'm going to be as happy as a.... as happy as a...."

Then I chimed in, "As happy as a kid on Christmas morning?"


There's not much more happiness a kid can experience, then barreling down the stairs to see all those presents hiding underneath the Christmas tree. It's just so magical! As an adult, and a mom of 3 adorable little boys, there's so much happiness I've experienced. There's a special place in my heart, though, when I get to see their faces light up on Christmas morning. I'm positive I will greatly miss these days when they are older and some of the magic has gone!

As special and as happy as it is, Christmas morning is also CRAZY with kids! Here's a list of my favorite tried and true breakfasts that are easy to pull together and will make the day feel even more special!

Christmas Morning Pancakes

Christmas Morning Pancakes

Slow Cooker Biscuits and Gravy

Slow Cooker Biscuits and Gravy

Eggnog Coffee Cake

Eggnog Coffee Cake

English Muffin French Toast Sticks

English Muffin French Toast Sticks

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