Spooky Bat Halloween Rice Krispie Treats

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kellogg's Rice Krispies�. As always, all opinions are my own.

These Spooky Bat Rice Krispies� Treats are so easy! Classic Kellogg's Rice Krispies� Treats drizzled in orange melted chocolate and topped with halved chocolate sandwich cookies and candy eyes. Such a perfect treat for Halloween!

It is BARELY October and we are already having decision issues with Halloween costumes over here. It was probably my fault, since a local discount store was having a one-day-only deal on Halloween costumes - so I pressured the boys into telling me what they wanted to be this year. OH MAN was that a discussion!

Reuben's costume is done. Silas and Wesley absolutely love dressing up as various superheroes, but this year has been different. Silas announced that he wanted to be a specific cartoon green ninja, and Wesley wanted to be a pro-wrestler. I can do the green ninja, but a pro-wrestler? We don't watch wrestling, like AT ALL. He's currently obsessed with the funny memes right now; he thinks they're hilarious. 

So off to the store I go - of course they had nothing anywhere near Wesley's choice on the racks. The stars must of aligned that day for Silas, though, because they had the exact cartoon green ninja he wanted. Do you know what he did when he took the first look at it after school that day?

He proceeded to tell me that he'd like to check out the other costumes in the store first. THESE KIDS! So, after a quick return, both boys chose generic green and blue ninja costumes, mainly because they both came with swords and throwing stars. I'm already exhausted and it's barely Halloween season, yet!

Needless to say, I have little time on my hands right now with three active kiddos - but I really do like making them fun treats to celebrate the holidays. I LOVE finding easy and creative treats to serve them and their friends, and these Spooky Bat RICE KRISPIES� Treats are perfect! 

Start with a regular batch of treats:

Drizzle orange melted chocolate over each treat. While the chocolate is still melted, position two halves of a chocolate sandwich cookie, fanned out to look like bat wings!

Then just add candy eyes and they're done - can't be more simple than that!

Spooky Bat Halloween Rice Krispies� Treats


Kellogg's� Rice Krispies� Treats with drizzled orange chocolate and bat decorations using chocolate sandwich cookies.

Prep time: , Cook time: , Total time:
Yield: 15 treats

3 tablespoons butter
10.5 oz package marshmallows
6 cups Kellogg's� Rice Krispies�
1 cup orange melting chocolate
6 chocolate sandwich cookies, separated with filling scraped off
24 candy eyes

  • Melt butter in a stockpot on low heat. Add marshmallows and continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until completely melted.
  • Remove from heat and stir in Kellogg's� Rice Krispies�. Stir well, making sure cereal is well coated.
  • Press into a well-greased 9 x 13 baking dish. Allow to cool to room temperature.
  • Slice evenly into 15 squares. Place squares on a lined cookie sheet.
  • Prepare "bat wings" by carefully breaking cookies into halves. Melt orange chocolate according to package directions.
  • Drizzle chocolate over treats. Lay fanned out cookie halves into chocolate, resembling bat wings. Attach candy eyes with additional melted chocolate. Allow to cool completely. Store in an airtight container before serving.

  • I can't even tell you how nutty the boys went as they heard me explain to them how I was going to decorate these treats. They HAD to help me, and I think they did an awesome job, don't you? A treat both kids and adults can pull together - now that's what I call easy!

    There are honestly countless ways to be creative with Kellogg's Rice Krispies� Treats for Halloween - it's a complete blank canvas to create your own. I love that it's not only yummy to eat, but part of the fun is getting together with your kids and making them together as well. Be sure to visit #RiceKrispies on Pinterest and Facebook for more easy Halloween treat ideas this fall season!

    How are you going to decorate your Kellogg's Rice Krispies� Treats for Halloween this year? Leave your creative ideas in the comment section below!